Exchagne Server[33]
IMail Server[30]
The day has come… After vanishing mysteriously ten years ago, the Microsoft Exchange Conference (MEC) makes a comeback starting today. The Exchange community has been eagerly anticipating the return of MEC, and the wait is finally over! MEC will be an event like no other – three days jam-packed with networking, unparalleled access to Exchange engineers and MVPs and, of course, the most in-depth information on Exchange anywhere. Day 1 (Monday, September 24) starts with an opening keynote which w |
作为虚拟化的一个重要组成部分,VDI在新的Windows Server版本中得到了很大加强,包括Remote App的部署也变得更加简单。而且,部署VDI提供了一种快速方式,可以在具备条件的环境中,快速的部署出一个VDI的架构。 为部署快速VDI,宿主机必须满足一定的条件。例如域成员身份、权限、可用虚拟交换机的NIC等。 RDS和VDI被作为同一类安装方式组织到了一起。可以在添加角色和功能向导中,选择安装类型为远程桌面服务安装。...(
Monitoring is a key component for any successful deployment of Exchange. In previous releases, we invested heavily in developing a correlation engine and worked closely with the System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) product group to provide a comprehensive alerting solution for Exchange environments. Traditionally, monitoring involved collecting data and if necessary performing an action based on the collected data. For example, in the context of SCOM, different mechanisms were used to collec |
A brief history of hybrid management The release of Exchange Server 2010 brought with it a revolutionary new Cloud based service which we all know today as Exchange Online for Office 365. In the early days of the Cloud lots of time and energy was devoted to rapid migration of user and organizational data with some focus on the deployment and support of coexistence between an on-premises Exchange enterprise deployment with a web-based tenant. However, for larger organizations (LORGs) the strong f |
With Exchange Server 2013 and Exchange Online in Office 365 for Enterprises, customers continue to have the flexibility of moving to the cloud on their terms – whether switching fully to the cloud via a cut-over migration, migrating over time with a staged migration, or managing mailboxes both on-premises and online with a hybrid Exchange deployment. This unique hybrid option allows customers to move to the cloud at their own pace, while leveraging the sharing of calendar free/busy information, |
Now that Office 365 has over a year under its belt and the new Exchange is around the corner, you may be considering upgrading your on-premises email system, moving to the cloud or a combination of the two with a hybrid deployment. We’ve invested heavily in providing you with an awesome email experience and the flexibility of choosing how you’d like to deploy it. There are a lot of important factors to consider but these factors have changed with the introduction of the new Exchange. Here’s a |
对于全新的Hype-V 3.0,有一个功能不能不提到,那就是虚拟机的复制。 传统上的虚拟复制,是需要将虚机关闭或者保存,然后进行导出导入的操作。如果您曾经做过类似的操作,就知道不仅麻烦,而且需要停机不短的时间。 为了解决这一问题,现在的Hyper-V 3.0能够提供在线的虚拟机复制。 首先需要在Hyper-V的设置上,启用宿主机作为副本服务器。复制使用的端口可以指定。默认是80(基于Kerberos)或443(基于证书)。...(
作为全新的,面向云计算的Cloud OS,Windows Server 2012的组件安装部署方式与之前的版本有了一些变化。 一则,安装类型除了我们在Windows Server 2008时代熟知的角色和功能,支持直接部署VDI架构了。 一则,安装时,除了安装到服务器池中的,正在运行的服务器,还可以用Package的形式,直接安装到离线的VHD虚拟磁盘。 实际上,我很早就这么干了,往挂载的VHD中放文件,改注册表……不过,这次终于是官方支持了...(read more) |
您像我一样经常做一些POC或者基于虚拟化的测试环境么?甚至是课件?如果您一直使用Windows Server 2008的Hyper-V来做这件事情,一定有一件事会比较困扰。 那就是导入虚机的时候,必须要把虚机导出到一个位置,然后复制到新的宿主机上,然后再进行导入。 是的,这样每台虚机的虚拟磁盘(至少)都在硬盘上有两个副本,如果您的环境虚机众多,那么您的硬盘空间…… 在新的Hyper-V 3.0中,除了我们熟悉的两个导入选项之外,还有一个就地注册虚拟机的选项。 这下我们可以把虚机解压缩或者复制到指定的位置,然后直接注册虚拟机就可以了。...(
Windows Server 2012的Hyper-V 3.0有了很多改进。其中一个重要的改进就是任意虚拟机的在线迁移。这里的实时迁移并不代表虚拟机的高可用性,而是可以将虚拟机在运行状态不停机的进行迁移。 要实现实时迁移,需要在Hyper-V设置中启用传入和传出的实时迁移选项。 根据需求的不同,可以选择迁移整个虚拟机,或者虚拟机的存储。 迁移整个虚拟机,可以把虚拟机迁移到其他运行Hyper-V...(