Exchagne Server[33]
IMail Server[30]
Quorum Disk,又名仲裁磁盘,其目的是在协调集群节点间的故障转移(Failover)Windows Server 2003年代的集群中,对于单一的仲裁设备服务器群集是否执行failover,quorum disk说了算,也就是说这是一种独裁者的方式。当然了对于单一节点集群,由于不需要故障转移,自然也没必要使用quorum。至于多数节点集,虽然有对应于每个节点的单一quorum,但是quorum实际是不起作用的。 那么很显然,对于单一的仲裁设备服务器群集,是存在quorum disk的单点失败问题的,也就是说如果是quorum disk本身出了问题,无法协调控制failover过程,导致整个集群出现群龙无首的状况,对这个场景的改良,在即将发布的Windows Server 2008中有一个新的特性:Majority based cluster membership其目标就是给节点投票权,按照少数服从多数的原则避免可能存在的 quorum disk单点失败的问题,而且尽可能避免设置quorum磁盘。在Windows Server 2008可以按照以下原则选择集群模式: l 不需要 |
前段时间网上新出现了一条新闻,在Windows Vista中播放多媒体文件会导致网络性能降低。结果证明这个问题确实存在,但确实设计特性。今天看到Mark Russinovich(Windows领域的大牛,相信很多人对他都有不少的了解)的一篇Blog,对这个问题进行了比较合理的解释。 我翻译了这篇Blog,希望对英文不好的朋友有所帮助。当然,水平有限,翻译的内容难免会存在疏漏,还望大家指正。 通过这篇文章我们有什么体会? 1,对于百兆网络,或者只安装了一块网卡的电脑,完全不用担心这个问题 2,如果是千兆网络,或者有多块网卡,那么问题比较棘手。尤其是有多块网卡的百兆网络,希望相关的补丁能尽快发布。 3,看来那个售价超贵的“杀手级”游戏网卡还是有必要存在的。 下面是原文内容: 几周前,在2CPU 论坛由dloneranger发布的帖子介绍了在他的Vista系统中播放音频或视频文件时网络吞吐量降低的情况。其他人也提到自己遇到了同样的问题,同时上周大家的注意力被其他站点就同一个问题的讨论所吸引,包括Slashdot以及Zdnet博客Adrian Kingsley-Hughes。 很多人的推测是正 |
I'm going to start off with by referring to an Exchange 2000 article called Automating Exchange 2000 Management with Windows Script Host, since it set's the scene quite nicely for WMI based management for Exchange 2000. Exchange 2000 introduced a set of new WMI classes, and Exchange 2003 introduced a few more. PoweShell is renowned as an Exchange 2007 tool, however here were going to learn to use it to manage just about anything that has a MWI provider, with Exchange 2000/3 as my focus for today |
When I saw this on my IDG news ticker, I had to click through. Gunplay Blamed for Internet Slowdown I was hoping they meant that too many people were playing World of Warcraft. While that might be the case, the news item was about the more sinister option - somebody amed a gun at a chunk of fiber optic internet backbone near Cleveland and pulled the trigger, causing a service slowdown for many in the Norther half of the USA. Some will call it terrorism, some will call it vandalism and some w |
Most folks I talk to have installed Powershell, but not done much with it. Most of these folks also run Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 and don't dream of managing Exchange from anything else but the GUI or VBScript. Point in case, a lot of Exchange 2003 information is available via WMI. Powershell makes WMI information rapidly accessible via the Get-WMiObject, or it's alias gwmi. Aliases are a shortened version of a command and are interchangeable. Makes for quicker more |
I have to admit it took me most of the day to realize that there was a world-wide Skype outage going on. My client was behaving strangely but I assumed the network guys were monkeying around and had blocked a port or something. This is big. People are migrating to VoIP of one kind or another in droves, and folks love a free or mostly free service, and Skype has been super-reliable for years. First the eBay acquisition, now this. Have Skype been hit with a virus or an attack, or have they ju |
SC Magazine picked up some fresh propaganda from Kaspersky labs yesterday suggesting that "the anti-virus companies have the upper hand" according to Alexander Gostev, a senior virus analyst at Kaspersky Labs. Gostev and Kaspersky posit a "crisis of ideas" in which cybercriminals have just run out of inspiration and are just turning up the volume on their back catalogs, like so many bad heavy metal bands. "Virus writers are concerned solely with earning dirty money and are incapable of coming |
Sometimes I wonder if anybody actually reads an original source anymore. Why go to an actual media site, like Network World or Wired or Boston Business Journal when you can use news aggregators to have information on your chosen topics culled from all kinds of sources and delivered to your inbox or reader? It seems the chances of an interesting or serendipitous but off-topic item just won't get through anymore. Ever the luddite, I was actually reading the New York Times section by section when |
本文已发表在《个人电脑》杂志,请勿随意转载 在前几年,LCD显示器还是一种比较奢侈的产品,售价很高,而且性能参数很差,属于低性价比产品的典型。然而技术的发展是很快的,短短几年时间,LCD面板的生产技术得到了长足进步,大屏幕LCD显示器性能越来越好,售价越来越低,感兴趣的人则越来越多。然而很多购买了LCD显示器,尤其是大屏幕LCD显示器的人买回来之后才发现,怎么LCD显示器不如自己想象中的好。例如,原本在CRT显示器上显示很好的文字内容,在LCD显示器上为什么变得那么小,看起来很费眼睛。买了一台24寸的宽屏LCD后却发现,很多网页无法适应这么大的分辨率,将浏览器窗口最大化之后,网页内容只能居中显示或者靠左显示,旁边有很大一部分面积都被浪费了。想要在LCD显示器上玩一些低分辨率的老游戏,可是游戏的显示效果为什么那么差劲。本文会告诉你在遇到这些问题后该如何解决。 显示器的技术指标是什么意思 在买显示器之前,很多人都会详细了解显示器的性能参数,例如显示面积、分辨率、点距、色深等,然而这些参数分别有什么作用?对显示器的显示效果有什么影响?因为本文着重讨论显示面积、分辨率以及点距对显 |
本文已发表在《个人电脑》杂志,请勿随意转载 当我们在使用Windows执行大部分操作的时候,Windows都会用提示信息告诉我们操作的执行结果。例如,操作是成功完成还是失败了,如果失败了,那么失败原因是什么,或者在操作过程中需要注意的事项等。看清这些提示信息(尤其是错误信息和注意事项)有助于我们更好地完操作。因此本文将会对Windows Vista中一些常见的安全提示信息进行说明。 Internet Explorer中的各种信息 在Windows Vista中,和Internet Explorer有关的信息大部分都出现在地址栏和信息栏(图1),这些信息可以告诉我们当前访问的网站是否有安全问题,是否是欺诈网站,以及是否有其他一些需要注意的信息。 下文会将Internet Explorer中常见的提示信息分为安全证书相关、安全设置相关、控件相关这三个类别来介绍。 和安全证书有关的提示信息 为了保护我们的在线隐私,很多网站,尤其是银行和证券公司等提供金融服务的网站都会使用安全证书加密我们的浏览器和网站服务器之间的通信,这样双方的网络通信就算被其他人截获也 |