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Lotus Domino for Linux
aku1 发表于 2006-10-11 9:01:15

Linux is the fastest growing server platform in the world, and also the fastest growing IBM Lotus Domino platform. Because it combines the economics of Intel and the proven performance of Lotus Domino, more customers are choosing Linux as their messaging platform every day. And with Lotus Domino support for Linux on zSeries, mainframe customers are embracing Domino on Linux, complementing the economics and performance of Domino on Linux with the legendary reliability of IBM System z.

Supported Domino releases and Linux distributions are listed in the table below. Please refer to the Lotus Notes and Domino release notes for more specific information and the latest updates.

Domino version
Red Hat
United Linux
7.0.2 Same platforms as 7.0.1 SUSE Enterprise Linux 10 on Intel and System z(64-bit)

SUSE Enterprise Linux 10 on Intel (32-bit)

plus the platforms supported by 7.0.1
7.0.1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 on Intel (32-bit)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 Update 3 on Intel (64-bit)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 on zSeries (64-bit)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on Intel;
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on zSeries (31-bit)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 on Intel (32-bit)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 on Intel with Novell patch #11023 (64-bit)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 on zSeries (64-bit)
7.0 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 on Intel (32-bit)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 on zSeries (64-bit)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on Intel;
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on zSeries (31-bit)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 on Intel;
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 on zSeries (64-bit)
6.5.5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 on Intel

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 on Intel
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8.0

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on zSeries (31-bit)
UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries;

Powered by UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries
6.5.4 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 on Intel

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 on Intel
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8.0

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8.0 on zSeries (31-bit)
UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries;

Powered by UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries
6.5.2, 6.5.3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 on Intel

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 on Intel
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8.0

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on zSeries (31-bit)
UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries

Powered by UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries
6.5.1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 on Intel SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8.0

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on zSeries (31-bit)
UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries

Powered by UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries
6.5 Red Hat 7.2 on Intel

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 2.1 on Intel (uni-processor only)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8.0

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on zSeries (31-bit)
UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries

Powered by UnitedLinux 1.0 on Intel and on zSeries


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