Exchagne Server[33]
IMail Server[30]
When I saw this on my IDG news ticker, I had to click through. Gunplay Blamed for Internet Slowdown I was hoping they meant that too many people were playing World of Warcraft. While that might be the case, the news item was about the more sinister option - somebody amed a gun at a chunk of fiber optic internet backbone near Cleveland and pulled the trigger, causing a service slowdown for many in the Norther half of the USA. Some will call it terrorism, some will call it vandalism and some w |
I have to admit it took me most of the day to realize that there was a world-wide Skype outage going on. My client was behaving strangely but I assumed the network guys were monkeying around and had blocked a port or something. This is big. People are migrating to VoIP of one kind or another in droves, and folks love a free or mostly free service, and Skype has been super-reliable for years. First the eBay acquisition, now this. Have Skype been hit with a virus or an attack, or have they ju |
SC Magazine picked up some fresh propaganda from Kaspersky labs yesterday suggesting that "the anti-virus companies have the upper hand" according to Alexander Gostev, a senior virus analyst at Kaspersky Labs. Gostev and Kaspersky posit a "crisis of ideas" in which cybercriminals have just run out of inspiration and are just turning up the volume on their back catalogs, like so many bad heavy metal bands. "Virus writers are concerned solely with earning dirty money and are incapable of coming |
Sometimes I wonder if anybody actually reads an original source anymore. Why go to an actual media site, like Network World or Wired or Boston Business Journal when you can use news aggregators to have information on your chosen topics culled from all kinds of sources and delivered to your inbox or reader? It seems the chances of an interesting or serendipitous but off-topic item just won't get through anymore. Ever the luddite, I was actually reading the New York Times section by section when |
WhatsUp Gold took the cake - and first place - in CRN's Network Managment Bake-Off this week! In a thorough CRN Test Center investigation, engineeers compared Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold with solutions from Solar Wind and Ad Rem in a dynamic, heterogeneous network environment. CRN also described each vendor's partner programs and the profit potential inherent in each network management solution. WhatsUp won kudos for features, price/performance and ease of use and the reviewer noted that "....Whats |
It looks like another slow-moving thought has finally penetrated the big blue shield, sending a small army of blue deck chair arrangers into action. According to the good folks at IDG, "IBM shakes up sales organization to target SMB market" IBM is realigning its Systems and Technology Group (STG), creating one sales group to sell to large enterprise customers and another to sell to SMBs, business customers with no more than 1,000 employees. It will also better integrate STG with IBM's Global |
在Eric的大力推荐下,我决定隆重介绍Live Local的电话功能。 在地图上找到目标后,例如一家best buy,你想打电话过去,问Wii到货没有。 只需要点击地址下的"Call for free",Live服务会自动接通你与best buy。方便,免费。 这个功能挺Cool的,大家不妨试试。 Notes: 该服务可以回Call到任何美国电话,或者任何国家的计算机上。另一端可以接通北美地区。 |
This afternoon, I'm off to San Diego to participate in Baptie & Company's Marketing Focus Conference, where I'm going to present on a panel called "How Web 2.0 Will Affect Your Brand Messaging and Communications." In addition, I'll be facilitating workshops on Blogs, RSS, Podcasts & Wikis (oh my) and Engaging with External Blogs, Communities & Chatrooms. If the analogy holds, I bet the workshops will be even more interesting because - as with web 2.0 - there will be more viewpoints aired. |
Just a couple of days ago, I blogged about Email Bankruptcy, where people just give up responding to email and delete it all to start over. Today, I read that Governor Jon Corzine of New Jersey has quit email cold turkey. Here are two comments attributed to the emailless governor in the NYT article: “We’ll go back to the 1920s, and have direct conversations with people,” “It’ll slow processes down,” Mr. Corzine acknowledged. “We’ll just have to find another way to do it.” So why the e-withd | "With Google Gears, we're tackling a key limitation of the browser in order to make it a stronger platform for deploying all types of applications and enabling a better user experience in the cloud," said Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, in a statement. "We believe strongly in the power of the community to stretch this new technology to the limits of what's possible and ultimately emerge with an open standard that benefits everyone." Google hopes Gears wi |